Friday, June 25, 2010

working on StarNote v1.24

New features and improvements are

. Fixed Force close (IllegalArgumentException: Unterminated quote)
(heppens only in Korean android OS)
. Fixed Force close (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
(happens only in screen with hypertext in android 1.6)
. revised Theme screen

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

working on ClassBuddy v1.12

New features and improvements are

. fixed wrong date display in Calendar context menu.

releasing StarNote Pro v1.9

>New features and improvements are

. Fixed Force close (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
(heppens when use trackball on hyperlink text)
. Fixed Force close (NullPointerException:FilePickr.getList())
(happens when SD card is not mounted to PC through USB)
. added label change menu in note view screen.
. improved performance of NoteList screen.
. fixed wrong date display in Calendar context menu.
. fixed missing photo,image problem in email.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

releasing StarNote v1.23

New features and improvements are

. Fixed Force close (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
(heppens when use trackball on hyperlink text)
. added label change menu in note view screen.
. improved performance of NoteList screen.
. fixed wrong date display in Calendar context menu.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

releasing ClassBuddy v1.14

New features and improvements are

. Added edit, delete menu.
. Fixed Force Close (SecurityException: Requires VIBRATE permission)
. Fixed Force close (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException)
(Rarely happening in class export)
. Fixed Force close (IllegalStateException: database not open)
(Rarely happening when class is updated)
. Fixed CSV file export with email problem.
. Added Edit/delete menus for Term, Course and Class
. Revised sample data
. Added more themes

releasing ClassBuddy v1.10

New features and improvements are

. Added edit, delete menu.
. Fixed Force Close (SecurityException: Requires VIBRATE permission)
. Fixed Force close (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException)
(Rarely happening in class export)
. Fixed Force close (IllegalStateException: database not open)
(Rarely happening when class is updated)
. Fixed CSV file export with email problem.
. Revised sample data
. Added more themes